Thursday, August 23, 2012

"The Revels"

Peter Kellogg and I have gotten to know each other over the years. We've admired our mutual work and have thought about properties to work on together. Peter has always loved The Rivals by Richard Sheridan, a 1775 play that he brought to my attention. We've written the show in spurts, but when we do, we write the score very quickly and have gotten some very nice and early responses. We're about 90% done with the score, and then we'll see what the rest of the market says. Not only is Peter a very talented lyricist and playwright, but he is prolific, very fast when he writes and super supportive of my work when I am down on it (which is usually the case). I'm enjoying the working process with him. We've been recording songs at M & I studio (where I always record) but this time, as opposed to the more elaborate recordings I've done in the past, its just me singing the score and playing all the parts. I'm hideously embarrassed by my voice but it is a bit hilarious hearing just me on the recording with my ape like piano vocals. Nobody will ever hear them except the poor producers and Directors who have to listen. My apologies in advance - not for the score, witty lyrics but my voice.........

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